Would you plan to manage attendance of staff in hour rate by means of "punch clock" style? Would you need to pay them on time tracked in hour rate?
The Apps will let you track the accumulated time of staff worked for your projects. Optionally, you might adjust the time tracked for payment if necessary.
For period of your choice, you would then pay your staff at their hour rate. Optionally, if you assign a project to staff on time tracking, you could then review the accumulated time and accumulated cost spent on a project.
The Apps is easy to use and easy to setup:
1) Enter list of staff and their hour rate;
2) Enter list of project;
3) You might start assign project to staff;
Then you would start to track the time of staff spent on your projects.
Periodically, you would pay your staff for their accumulated unpaid hours. Optionally, you would be able to void a paid record if necessary, and pay again later after fixing any issues.
From the paid record accumulated, you would be able to review time and cost spent on your projects.